Blue Berets MC Denmark

About us in English

Welcome to BBMCDK online

BBMCDK means "Blue Berets Motorcycle Club Denmark".
We are the only Danish MC consisting 100% of veterans. Members have not necessarily been deployed under the UN with a blue beret, -but you can read more about that below, you can learn more about the club, and on the following pages, you can get information on the way in, watch photos and read about our activities.


BBMCDK (Blue Berets Motorcycle Club) first saw the light of day in 1999 when a small group of Bikers and Veterans from Denmark Norway and Sweden, met to establish a MC for Bikers who all had one thing in common: they had been deployed in international service for their countries.

In the first couple of years new guys came and others left, but in 2001, the remaining founders came to "common ground", and the club's name was determined and the three National branches: Denmark (BBMCDK), Sweden (BBMCS), and Faeroe Islands (BBMCFO) was born.

(Each National Club is autonomous, but we all share the same values.)


BBMCDK is a MC club solely consisting of Military Veterans.

(The Danish definition of a Veteran is a person who has served his nation in one or more international missions.)

The club's main objective is to continue and strengthen the camaraderie that ensues during service abroad. This friendship we uphold, both nationally and on the international arena. Nationally by meeting in BBMCDK and with cooperation with other Vets and Vet-associations in Denmark and internationally through the BBMC clubs of Sweden and the Faroe Islands.

What do we do?

The club's members are scattered throughout Denmark. We meet officially several times a year and either attend own rallies, club meetings, or go to other clubs rallies and barhangs. In between , we meet in our clubhouses for a talk and a drink in the bar. We usually arrange at least one trip abroad a year, to visit other Veteran Clubs.

Last but not least, we ride to all the Danish rallies individually or in groups during the season.

Who are "BBMCDK"?

BBMCDK consists of a bunch of bikers that, beside loving the motorcycle lifestyle, all have that in common that we´ve served Honorably in one or more International missions.

Our Missions cover everything from UN missions on Cyprus over UN and NATO missions on The Balkans, to Combat Missions in Afghanistan. Some has been deployed with The Blue Beret, -some with the Black or Green and some has done both Peacekeeping and Peace-making missions.

Our current age-span range from the mid 25's to the 70's

What do we ride?

The Club members garage feature a wide span of motorcycle brands and types, but wiht the Cruiser/Chopper style as the most predominant.

We do however demand that members ride a bike that will be able to keep up with regular cruising speeds.


BBMCDK is neutral both politically and in the MC environment.

We greet all when we ride.

The Clubs name, does thus not depict our missions, but rather our intent: Peace and Neutrality.

Nyeste kommentarer

22.04 | 02:41

Hej Martin. BBMC er ikke kun for FN veteraner - Vi rummer også eks...

21.04 | 22:55

Hej BBMC. Jeg er vild med motorcykler og har været 20 år i Hæren. Jeg h...

25.07 | 16:01

Hej Rene. Kig evt. Ind på Facebookgruppen "Friends of Blue Berets MC"

23.06 | 19:45

Hej. Jeg ønsker at vide mere omkring Jeres klub. Tidligere udsendt til Afghanistan.